Zinnia’s three founding members, with complementary skills, differing points of view and a healthy blend of vision and re-vision, work together to make the magic happen. This week we’d like to share a few fun facts about our very own Nathan Bliss!
1. He’s the Dreamer
Nathan’s too modest to call himself the John Lennon of the Zinnia team, but you could say he’s the dreamer. He developed the original idea for Zinnia in 2014, drawing inspiration from two sources: negative experiences with big box online flower vendors and - wait for it - pizza. While working for another tech company, Nathan heard a number of stories from unhappy customers who ordered flowers online only to find hidden fees, inferior products and unreliable delivery. At the same time, he had his eye on a Brooklyn-based pizza delivery app that gave customers two choices (cheese or pepperoni) at a flat rate and got it to their doorsteps fast. The pizza app concept, Nathan reasoned, could also work for flower arrangements. A few perfect choices, a fixed, reasonable price point, and same-day delivery. Thus, Zinnia was born.
2. He’s Into the Big Picture
Nathan likes the view from 6,000 feet. His role at Zinnia is managing the big picture and pushing out into new directions. He’s also famous for his gregarious personality and great people skills. Nathan actually eats networking for breakfast.
When he’s not busy casting vision for Zinnia, Nathan can be found cheering for the Cubs with the lovely Shelby and their three sweet kids, Zach, Noah and Landee.
3. He’s Gunning For Your Business
While Zinnia’s main customers are women, Nathan has not forgotten about the particular needs of procrastinating sons, boyfriends and husbands. He guessed (or knew from personal experience) that the same dudes who likes two choices, no fuss and fast delivery for their pizza, would also appreciate the same features when buying gifts for their moms and sweethearts. Especially the bit about same-day delivery. Men, Nathan Bliss has your back. Women, yours too. Because the flowers look great.
Nathan, left, and Andy at Straight Shot Demo Day 2015